Thursday 5 October 2017

Bboy Crazy Legs Supply Puerto Rico With Clean Water and Food

Richard Colón better known as ‘Crazy Legs’ from the legendary b-boy group Rock Steady Crew, recently traveled to Puerto Rico to aid the island with clean drinking water after the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria.
In a recent interview with NPR, the Bronx-native revealed he teamed up with Waves For Water, a non-profit organization that provides people with water filters across the world. Additionally, Colón and some of his peers started Rock Steady For Life, a campaign made to help Puerto Ricans after the disaster.

The water filters involve a simple process, which includes a plastic bucket, a small plastic filter and a rubber hose. This initiative is pivotal now more than ever for the island, considering that most of its residents are drinking water from contaminated creeks.
Reportedly, the break dancer and his friends are going to give out approximately 300 water filters along with the tools necessary to residents of the North Western region of the island. They are also going to teach community leaders how to operate the filters.
“I’ve done this in 17 countries myself,” said Rob McQueen, a director for Waves For Water. “I always drink first. I never get sick.”

Like most of us, Colón is disgusted with Donald Trump’s neglect toward the island. “Trump’s lack of care or empathy or sympathy is just one of those things where, why are you even planning to come to PR?,” he questioned. “Me, just a b-boy from Bronx, how the hell is it that I’m able to get here before the president of the United States?”
Luckily, Colón has also created a GoFundMe page to further help the cause.
“With the help of Red Bull, Waves For Water and artists of the Puerto Rican diaspora—Puerto Rico Rob, DJ Enuff, DJ Tony Touch, DJ DP One, DJ G-Bo The Pro, Port Morris Distillery—we are raising funds to support on-the-ground efforts of getting much-needed water filtration and purification systems to areas of the island that have been harder to get to,” the campaign reads. “Funds will also support the Boys & Girls Club of Isabela in their efforts of providing shelter, food and necessities to people in need.”

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The great history of break dance you don't know.

"The dance style originated primarily among Puerto Rican and African American youths many of them former members of street gangs (many of them former members of the Black Spades, the Young Spades, or the Baby Spades) during the mid-1970s in the Bronx. The dance spread worldwide due to popularity in the media, especially in regions such as Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United Kingdom."

B-boying is a form of hip hop dancing which is popularly known as breaking. It consists of top or up rock, footwork, spinning moves (power moves), and freeze. B-boying came from Bronx, NY. The term "B-boy" or "B-boying" was created by Kool Herc who was a DJ spinning at block parties in Bronx back in the days. B-Boys means break boys and they were called so because they dance to the break part of music. Later, by repeating this break part done by DJ, "breakbeats" was born.

Although people tend to pick up only power moves, real b-boys should master the all elements of b-boying. There are controversy between people who emphasize on style and power moves. One puts his emphasis on power moves and their combination and the other shows their style and individuality by footwork and freeze. Rock Steady Crew has been the one who emphasizes styles to show dancer's individual flavor. Even though power moves have a great impact and very energetic, it is hard to put individual flavor into the moves. Also power moves really don't go with beat since it is spinning. It is closer to gymnastic moves rather than dancing.
Because of these reasons, Rock Steady Crew suggests that footwork-emphasiezed style should be the direction of breaking of 90s. Breaking is the most popular style of hip hop dancing and it has been spreading all over the world while new school dancing such as hip hop and house limited to big cities in the US and Japan. See examples of freezes history It was late 60s , early 70s when people started a sort of b-boying.
Their dancing was called "Good Foot" from James Brown's record of the same name. The Good Foot was the first freestyle dance that incorporated moves involving drops and spins, and resembled the beginning s of breaking. The best way to describe the Good Foot is, according to Michael Holman, to imagine a majorette marching in a parade taking steps raised high at the knww but keeping the leg raised at the knee in the air for a beat before dropping it down and simultaneously raising the other leg. Like a stop action drum majorette on beat.

As the D.J.s invented new ways to elongate the break beats in the records, dancers had more time to invent and experiment. Soon moves like dropping down to the ground and popping up again on beat became standard and gave these first generation of b-boys the nickname of "boie-oie-oings." Footwork came in when the bogie-oie-oings started using their arms and hands to support their bodies in order to free the feet and legs to do gymnastic steps, shuffles and sweeps.
In Brooklyn a new step inspired by these drops was being developed and called "Brooklyn Rock" also known as "Up-rocking". Once the first early break moves had been established, a definite style began to develop. The famous first generation of b-boys were "Nigger Twins", "Clark Kent", and "Zulu Kings". Around 1977 breaking was losing its popularity with black kids and it was about to die.
However, breaking came back with a new generation of b-boys. It was Puerto Rican b-boys who put new life to breaking and took it into next level. They started to put many higher levels of acrobatics and gymnastics into breaking and invented many new moves. B-boys such as Crazy Legs from Rock Steady Crew who were influenced by Jimmy Lee and Joe Joe, members of original Rock Steady Crew developed and invented the new moves such as backspin and windmills.
I want to mention that there are also other b-boys such as Lil Lep from New York City Breakers who should get props by developed b-boying. Also, media stars like Bruce Lee and other Kung Fu film stars and martial artists had a major influence on b-boying culture. The popularity of Kung Fu films during the mid and late 70s around the world and especially in New York City, has had a great impact on b-boying style.
A large number of martial arts moves were incorporated into b-boying. For example, windmills came from a kung fu which is used to get up from the floor. By repeating getting-up move, windmills was born. B-boying became even more popular in 80s. It was first introduced to out side of New York City and the rest of world by a movie "Flashdance" in 1983. (Before the "Flashdance", there were already movies like "Wildstyle" and "Stylewars". But the "Flashdance" was the first major movie which featured b-boying.) Even though it was not b-boying movie, the short scene which featured b-boying and popping on a street had a great impact enough to inspire people to start b-boying all over the world. After the "Flashdance", many breaking movies were made such as "Breaking'", "Breaking'2", and "Beat street." "Beat Street" also had a great impact because it had a scene of battle between Rock Steady Crew and New York City Breakers.
B-boying became very popular as "BREAKDANCE" by many media coverage. Because of this too much media coverage, when media stop showing b-boying on TV, people had a sense that b-boying was only a fad. Many people thought b-boying was dead. Some b-boys stopped b-boying influenced by media, also. Media mistreated b-boying.
After 1985 or 86, the winter period of b-boying came. Then Resurgence of b-boying happened around 1990. I don't know how exactly it happened. I am sure that it was done by the support of real b-boys who never quit b-boying even during the winter period of b-boying. As far as I know, it was Calfornia where b-boying gained its popularity again early. Nowadays, B-boy events such as B-BOY SUMMIT and ROCK STEADY ANNIVERSARY are organized every year and many b-boys from all over the world get together and keep the culture alive and even try to take it into next level.

What you don't know about Bboy Lilou Ramdani (1984), better known by his stage name Lilou, is an Algerian-French b-boy breakdancer. He is part of the French crew Pockemon Crew and the all-star team LEGION X. Since the beginning of his career in 1999 he has won many international prizes, both with his crew and as a solo dancer. He has had a black belt in Kung Fu since he was sixteen. He practices Islam and can speak Algerian-Arabic, French and English.
Lilou was the winner of the b-boy competition Red Bull BC One in 2005 and 2009. He is one of the only two b-boys to have won the Red Bull BC One twice, the other being Hong 10. He also won Battle of the Year in 2003 with Pockemon Crew. In 2005, Lilou won the Chief Rocka award at the UK Bboy Championships. The following year, he was part of the Pockemon team that won the Crews competition at the UK Bboy Championships.In 2006 Lilou was featured in the game 'B-Boy', released by FreeStyleGames. In 2008 Lilou took part in Chemical Brothers' video Midnight Madness. He also appears in the film StreetDance 2. In 2012 he joined Madonna's MDNA Tour as a dancer and choreographer. In 2014, he became the winner of Undisputed. In doing so, he became the world champion bboy in 2014. He lists Michael Jackson, Zinédine Zidane, Muhammad Ali, and Jamiroquai as influences.

So you think you can dance FOX season 14

Kalihi-raised breakdancer Mark Villaver ended his run on “So You Think You Can Dance” on Sept. 4.
The Farrington High School graduate left the dance competition in seventh place after earning the least number of viewer votes from his performance last week.
“I enjoyed every moment,” said a visibly shaken Villaver at the end of Monday’s telecast.
Villaver, 27, moved to Los Angeles in 2012, where he’s worked as a professional dancer. Villaver and his partner, “SYTYCD” Season 4 contestant Comfort Fedoke, performed a hip-hop routine with a ninja theme choreographed by Misha Gabriel to Apashe’s “No Twerk” during this week’s episode.
“He’s amazing,” Fedoke said of Villaver during the show. “He’s not just a personality. (He’s) an extremely incredible dance artist.
Villaver’s top 10 finish qualifies him for a spot on a national performance tour featuring contestants from this season’s cast. No Hawaii performances have been announced.
“So You Think You Can Dance,” now in its 14th season, airs 7 p.m. Mondays on ABC.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Bgirl ROXY: How Break Dance Saved My Life

Whatever you know how to do: Do it with all your might and never give up.
You Care About Something, You Fight For It.

Monday 4 September 2017

Get Swipe within 30mins.

This swipe tutorial is from Pie Chen and I will recommend this video for you get swipe within two hours. Stretch hard and don't give-up!!!!!!!

Bboys vs Bgirls Folk Battle

What is the 2017 CVC Greensboro Open?

The 2017 CVC Greensboro Open is a 1 vs. 1 breakdancing competition that will be held during the National Folk Festival in Greensboro, NC on September 9 & 10.
Can I participate in the 2017 CVC Greensboro Open Powered by Sprite?

YES!  The competition is open to all competitors!

We are partnering with Check-It Productions to present an exciting B-boy/-girl competition sponsored by Sprite at this year’s National Folk Festival!

Register here

Pre-Registration is not required, but highly recommended.  Walk-ups accepted, but help us save time at registration by signing up in advance.
How is the 2017 CVC Greensboro Open structured?
Preliminary Battles

We will host preliminary 1 vs. 1 battles for both B-boys and B-girls the morning of Saturday, September 9 starting 9am in the Greensboro Cultural Center (200 N. Davie St., Greensboro, NC 27401).  Follow signs in the building to the indoor dance studio where the prelims will be held.

All contestants must arrive for the preliminary rounds by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, September 9 in order to complete registration and any other paperwork.

From the preliminary rounds, 16 B-boys and 16 B-girls will advance to the respective Final Battle at the National Folk Festival’s Dance Pavilion.
Dance Pavilion Battles

B-boy Final Battle
1 vs. 1 B-boy competition among top 16 finalists chosen during the preliminary rounds.
Saturday, September 9
3:45pm – 4:45pm
Dance Pavilion – National Folk Festival site in Downtown Greensboro

B-girl Final Battle
1 vs. 1 B-girl competition among top 16 finalists chosen during the preliminary rounds.
Sunday, September 10
2:15pm – 3:15pm
Dance Pavilion – National Folk Festival site in Downtown Greensboro
Are prizes awarded to the winning competitors?

Yes!  We are awarding cash prizes and a trophy from Sprite for winners!

1 vs. 1 B-boy Battle Category
$1,000 – 1st Place
$300 – 2nd Place
$100 – 3rd Place
$100 – 4th Place

1 vs. 1 B-girl Battle Category
$1,000 – 1st Place
$300 – 2nd Place
$100 – 3rd Place
$100 – 4th Place

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Dance Battle

Put your dancing footwear on and head to the screening of Breaking All the Way, a film with a purpose to take you to the sector of b-boys and hip hop dance. The film indicates one of the factors of the Hip-Hop lifestyle, b-boying that has remained largely underground in India since it started out around mid-2000. It has given India’s teens no longer only large power to express themselves however also claim their socially denied but deserved spaces on this global. B-boy Sonic, B-boy Hardluck, B-boy Shivam, B-boy Nevermind and few different b-boys communicate about what b-boying way for them because the film takes a fowl’s eye view of the Hip-Hop. The director of the movie, Sunita Malpani will also be gift for a Q&A consultation with the target audience after the screening.

WHEN: Today, 7pm to 9pm
WHERE: Jitendra Desai Memorial Hall, Navjivan Trust, Navajivan Press road, bhd. Gujarat Vidyapeeth
ENTRY: By tickets

Friday 11 August 2017

bboy tutorial 1

all video here are sometimes extracts from , check this out and practice, happy bboy goons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Friday 21 July 2017


YDT Bboy .BLOGSPOT is launched, it is a place of update for bboy dancers, the niche is going to be tips about dancing,dancing videos and dancing competitions, updates are here everyday.
This blog is going to be interactive and serve as valuable & secured source of information, all information updates on this site are legible and not false information.
very soon we shall begin to post tips about dancing, some bboy videos. links of information for bloggers and keep you updated about dancing competitions around you.
you can follow me on social medias like

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